Professors Emeriti

The honorific title of emeritus/emerita is bestowed on faculty members who have retired from the University of Toronto to reflect their past and continued substantive contributions to the University community. For the purposes of appointment as Professor Emeritus/Emerita, faculty members may be neither active staff at a teaching hospital nor full-time clinical faculty members. Reflecting the academic nature of the title, Professors Emeriti are generally faculty members who retire at the rank of full professor and who have served as full-time faculty. However, faculty members who retire at the rank of associate professor and/or who served as part-time faculty may be eligible if they are deemed to have made a substantive contribution to the University.

The criteria for appointment of a full or associate professor emeritus/emerita is outlined in the associated Governing Council Policy and the Procedures Manual for the Policy for Clinical (MD) Faculty.

If you have any questions please contact


The process for approving Professors Emeriti may be lengthy (over six months) due to the levels of approval required.

  • Retiring faculty member discusses emeritus/emerita status with his/her physician-in-chief (PIC)
  • Physician-in-chief submits a formal letter to the Chair of the Department of Medicine requesting emeritus/emerita status for the faculty member using the letter template
    • Included in this submission there must be a letter or email with a written request from the faculty member requesting the Emeriti title and listing their retirement date
  • The Chair of the University of Toronto (U of T) Department of Medicine reviews the faculty member's file to ensure eligibility and submits a formal request to the Dean of the U of T Faculty of Medicine
  • The Dean's Office reviews the application and, upon approval, submits a request to the Provost
  • The Provost presents the request to the Academic Board of the Governing Council
  • The department notifies the faculty member and PIC of the decision


Professors Emeritus/Emerita can expect that they will be able to maintain access to many of the basic services and benefits available to them before retirement. The list of services and benefits retained are:

If you have any questions about this process please contact